今天早上,我终于赶上了Google Talk的发布,算是第一时间感受了Talk的魅力。下载地址:http://talk.google.com 来自官方的简介:
They say talk is cheap. Google thinks it should be free. Google Talk enables you to call or send instant messages to your friends for free–anytime, anywhere in the world. Google Talk offers you:
- Choice: Get in touch how and when you want to–over email, IM or a call
- Quality: Talk through your computer but hear your friends as if they were in the same room
- Convenience: Your Gmail contacts are pre-loaded into Google Talk so inviting or talking to your friends is just a click away
Google Talk一股与生俱来的清爽感觉,界面截图: Google Talk不用重新注册,只要你有Gmail帐号,就可以直接体验。另外Google Talk的联系人是和Gmail绑定的,你可以直接把Gmail里的联系人加到你的Google Talk。 现在Google Talk也有不足,比如不支持图示、微软拼音中文输入法Bug以及部分按钮有Bug等等。毕竟还是BETA版,我相信Google会很快解决的。 早上用过之后,我跟大多数在线的朋友说了一句话,作为本流水账的结尾: Google就是NB! Update:更正“消息内容的字数有限制”应为“微软拼音中文输入法Bug”,感谢herock指正
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